22 Random Facts About Me

In lieu of my 22nd birthday, I thought it would be fun to share 22 facts about myself. This is honestly not easy because whenever this comes up during ice breakers, my heart beats so fast and go through an identity crisis (much like when I get asked "Tell me about yourself" in an interview). But I would love to remember who I was at 22, quirks and all! 

1. I LOVE chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. They are my immediate answer to any bad day or as a celebration, or I just make up a reason so that I can have one. 

2. I sweat a lot and very easily and it's the one thing I really dislike about myself. Sure, it might mean I'm healthy and releasing toxins, but do you know how annoying it is to wipe your nose and sweat-stache constantly and have your bangs look like you just got out of a shower??

3. I sleep with one leg in and one leg out of the blanket. #balance

4. When I seem like I don't know who you are, I probably do and pretend I don't. 

5. I don't get emotionally attached to people easily, but when I do start caring about you on a deeper level, best believe I'll be holding onto you for a long while. 

6. I don't like eating peas and beans and will always pick them out of anything, even if I have to do it with my hands. 

7. I never untie my laces when taking off sneakers. 

8. One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing eating noises. 

9. I played tennis for 10 years and it's my favourite sport to play and watch. The adrenaline a cross court or down the line winner gives me is incomparable. But I'm so out of practice now, I'm embarrassing to watch.

10. If an eyelash falls off, I still make a wish before blowing it away (been doing this ever since my best friend told me of this magic in 3rd grade).

11. As I eat, I need to have a bite of everything together and finish them at a relative equal pace to have the "full experience" of the dish. For example, if I'm eating pho, I need to put a little soup, a little noodle and a little meat in the spoon and eat it in one gulp...for every bite (one reason why I eat so slow)  

12. I get crazy goosebumps if I hear the slightest bit of styrofoam against any surface. Even hearing/writing/thinking it will give me goose bumps. 

13. I'm very indecisive. When I start off considering one option, I'll always try and think of a better one, then another, then back to the first. It's why I tend to shop myself because I take forever to choose and don't wanna waste someone else's time.   

14. One thing I hate about my body are my legs. One thing I love is my smile, and recently my freckles. 

15. I always forget to close caps or lids after I use them, except ones where the product will literally be completely exposed or fall out if I don't close it. If you came into my bathroom, 80% of skincare/haircare bottles have their cap open. 

16. When I get home and change out of my clothes, I always, without fail, leave my clothes on the floor of where I took them off overnight, before I'm willing to put them away properly. (both #15 and #16 drive my mom NUTS)

17. I have an obsession with stuffed toys and bunnies. My mom forced me to downsize my stuffed toy collection recently and it was a very heart wrenching experience. I had at least 5 different bunny stuffed toys. 

18. I love building things/putting things together, specifically furniture.

19. If I could have another name, it would be Jade (it's what my Chinese name means). I'd probably name my daughter that.  

20. If I could go back to live in any time period and be of any age, I'd want to be in my 20s during the late 1990s-2000s or the 1980s because of the music (disco, hip-hop, pop). I really don't like EDM, someone tell me why that's the sound of our generation... 

21. I really love taking walks or biking by the water or in a park. If I could drive, I'd probably like taking night drives and blasting music just as much. 

22.  By next year, I want to be publishing blog content monthly, to be in the best shape (outwardly and internally), to have finished 5 books, to not be afraid to disagree with or disappoint people, to be significantly further along on my "secret project", and to be more patient, carefree and present.   



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